Brandi Watterson
Brandi Watterson
Brandi Watterson has been a resident of The Woodlands since 2007, along with her husband, Daniel Watterson, and their three beautiful girls: Hailey, Ashley & Zoe. They have owned Brighton Academy since 2009, and have always operated the preschool from the mindset of a “parent’s perspective.” Throughout the years, and to this day, you will hear Brandi say, “If I would not have my child in this preschool, then something has to change.” They have a deep love for children and desire to provide an atmosphere that encompasses a positive, nurturing learning environment, while teaching the children to live beyond themselves by doing projects that give back to our community and beyond. Through the “Brighton Our Community” and “Brighton Our World” campaigns, families and children are able to give back and make a positive difference in the lives of others, which is very dear to their hearts. Brighton Academy is much more than a preschool to The Wattersons; it is a place where children discover their full potential, learn to be leaders in our community and families feel assured that their children are well taken care of and loved. They consider it an honor to be a part of this first step into the educational years of the children entrusted to their care.